In the recently launched book “Coaching in Asia, The First Decade” professional coaches working in Asia tell many personal stories of how they are actively engaged by companies and governments in the region to help grow and develop their most senior leaders.> read more
Let’s Get Engaged
A common topic of client coaching sessions is “engagement”. “My team doesn’t seem to be engaged and I’m out of ideas on how to get them engaged”, is what I often hear.> read more
The Key to a Successful Coaching Programme
What makes an executive coaching assignment succeed or fail? The short answer to this question is that the Coach must have a willing and honest coachee who is open to taking a critical look at himself or herself.> read more
Manager or Leader?
What is the difference between being a manager and being a leader? This is a question that comes up from time to time in my coaching sessions with senior managers. For a long time I wasn’t even sure myself on exactly how to define the difference.> read more
The Truth About Getting Your Point Across: You and Your Recipient
Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, was known as "the Great Communicator." He made one of his most famous statements during a speech at the Brandenburg Gate where he threw down this challenge to Mikhail Gorbachev.> read more